Book CorRections 
Corrects and Support for Gary Rosenzweig's Older Books

Note: All of the following books are either out-of-print or have been replaced with updated versions. To get support for a newer book, select the book from this page and look for the link to the support page near the bottom.

Special Edition Using Director 8

  • Lingo Reference Xtra::The Lingo reference Xtra on the CD-ROM only works on Macs. Why? Beats me. I took the original source file, re-published it, and the new one works fine on Macs and PCs. No changes were made. Strange. Here is the new one for PC users.

  • Chapter 20:: In several places, it appears that the following two lines have been alteredt by the typography program. Not sure why. Anyway, here is the fix:
  • Incorrect:
    x = cos*radius
    y = sin*radius
  • Correct:
    x = cos(a)*radius
    y = sin(a)*radius
    The source of the CD-ROM is correct. It is only the text in the book that was affected.

  • Special Edition Using Director 7

    Hey, everybody makes mistakes! Well, in order for a mistake to have slipped in to the Using Director 7 book, it had to get by the author, a project editor, a technical editor, a copy editor, and then the author again. So, how does a mistake slip through? Well, there are 988 pages in the book, with maybe 200-400 words per page. That's about 300,000 words. So if we got 99.9999% of the book right, there could still be 30 mistakes. Chances are that most of these would be harmless. Anyway, here's what we've found so far:

  • Page 436: In the OBJECT tag example, the ID parameter is there twice. Probably no harm done, but you might want to ignore the ID=Credits parameter to be safe.

  • Page 588: In the example at the bottom of the page, the line should read if i <> 0 then return FALSE (replace gItemList with i).

  • Page 153: There seems to have been a layout glitch. Ignore the $I~ in the middle of the page.

  • Page 335: Director thinks that line 0 is selected when your cursor is outside of the box, which is correct. However, it is also interpreting pText.line[0] to be the complete variable -- which is frustating. The "on mouseUoOutside" IS restoring the pop-up, but it is restoring it to the whole text variable because that is pText.line[0].
    One way to fix it, is to insert this line right after the "if thisline <> pLastHilite then" in the on exitFrame handler:
    if thisline < 1 or thisline > pText.line.count-1 then thisline = 1

  • Page 841: The crop command's syntax example should be: crop member("myBitmap"), rect(10,10,50,60).